IE Edge (Default)


I was reviewing the code and notice that you all don’t include in your headers. Piwik admin does not show up correctly in my IE without that meta tag. I’m not sure why, but there are times that IE11 will try to render a page like IE7 if the meta tag is missing. Can you all please add these meta tag to all headers?

Thank you for your time,


I did some looking around to see why IE=edge should be used and I found the following quote.

[quote=“Designating IE=edge is the best practice because it ensures Internet Explorer uses the latest engine. The most current Internet Explorer version includes the latest security updates as well as feature support. The current version is also the fastest version.”]
[/quote](, 06/02/14)

Hi Sphere, can you please post your thoughts and comment in the related ticket here: Include Meta tag IE=edge for best security practises · Issue #5282 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub