i searechd all forums regarding this issue looking for help without success. So now i am trying it here and kindly ask for your help. Piwik is running since ages now for our websites with great success. We already update it automatically without any problem so far.
Today i wanted to add another website to monitor bt this failed. I had got above mentioned errror and could not add the page.
Dashboard : all common links worked but when i try to go to the submenu “websites” same error appears. Instead a fragmented part of the homepage where piwik is hosted appears - Screenshot enclosed.
index.php Piwik is secured by htaccess. Disabeling the htaccess did not work
different Browser - same result
deleted all files in tmp as per Piwik troubleshooting advise - same result
in the search enginges I found an advise that soemetimes worpress causes this error - but we dont work with wordpress.
updated today to latest beta version - problem still the same.
Does anyone have an idea what to do? I am not a php specialist th4 apologise for the rookie explanation - thanks for any help - it is urgent.
uploaded piwik today manually, checked different browsers and finally updated to 2.10.RC1 - no change yet. All seems to run correctly but still it is impossible to add new websites. Appreciate any help please. Thanks a lot.
The error seems to be because there is no “idSite” URL parameter. Try to go on the dashboard, check that there is an idSite in the URL and try to go back to the settings: is the idSite still here? If not, try adding it manually to see if it temporarily fixes the problem.
Are you logged in with an admin/super user account ?
@all - Thanks to Steve from the Piwik Team this problem is solved.
It had to do with the rewrite conditions in the htaccess file. More details you can find in the german forum or directly from Steve.
Thanks to the team for your support. We will continue supporting Piwik as well.