I just installed piwik, but in the admin interface, I didn’t find how to regenerate statistics. In the howto, it is explain how to “cron” it, but not how to regenerate from the interface.
$ cat global.ini.php | grep time
; Defaults to 10 seconds so that by default, Piwik provides real time reporting.
time_before_archive_considered_outdated = 10
default_time_one_page_visit = 10
In fact, piwik doesn’t seem to work at all for my website, the results are totally weird, and are far different than the ones I had with google analytics :
for example, the “search keyword list” in the refering section (for google for example) contains “php my visite” and other things which refer to “piwik” but not to my website at all.
Also, if you’ve reinstalled Piwik from scratch, you should clear your browser cache – Piwik won’t recognize the cookies anymore (and it oops won’t track your visits.