How to get total number of visits in custom report?

Hi Matomo community,
My requirement is to generate following reports using Custom Report plugin.

Each of our events has a unique number (like above 866773)
we would like to know for each event number the

The problem is I need just number of visitors i.e. a number but I get a table. If I use report type table then I have to use at least one Custom Dimension and one Metrics which make a table not a number.
And if I use report type evolution then I get a graph instead of number.

Can anyone please help me to find sum of all the visitors within Custom Report?

@ Philippe @innocraft
Any idea/comment related to my question?

Hi @Naser_Aslam

  • How do you track your “events” (via some event, or custom dimension, or page URL… ?)
    → I suggest you use custom dimension
  • Do you continue to track the event ID until the booking completion?
    → I suggest you continue to track the event ID in the custom dimension until the user complete the booking

I also suggest you put a goal completion at the booking completion

Then in the custom report, you may count the number of unique visitors and number of reached goal for the desired custom dimension…

Hi @Naser_Aslam thanks for reaching out. You can do this with Custom Reports.

  • For your Dimension use ‘Event Name’.
  • For the first Metric you can use ‘Unique Visitor’ for Number of unique visitors who visit the landing page
  • The second metric you can use is a ‘Goal defined goal Conversion Rate’ for the % conversion rate.
  • Lastly you can add the Event Page URL as a filter:
    Page URL > Is >

Hope this helps.

If you require further assistance please feel free to reach out on