How to disable the LanguagesManager plugin?

global.ini.php says

; if you want all your users to use Piwik in only one language, disable the LanguagesManager                                                                          
; plugin, and set this default_language (users won't see the language drop down)
default_language = en

how exactly do I disable the LanguagesManager plugin? I tried removing it from config.ini.php but it keeps reappearing.


goole may help you

not really

anyone please?

Go to Settings > Plugins and disable the plugin

it just doesn’t appear in the plugin list. i tried editing config.ini.php by hand but LanguagesManager plugin reappears in PluginsInstalled[] = “LanguagesManager” as soon as I visit my piwik installation

Yes because it’s installed indeed, but not enabled

fair enough,

that doesnt’ explain why it doesn’t appear on the settings > plugins page with an inactivate link though

i’m running 1.7.2-rc4 for the record

if someone manages to disable the language manager and force the language to be english only, please let me know

thx in advance


i’m running revision 6207, still no way to disable language manager

Edit core/PluginsManager.php, and remove LanguagesManager from the $pluginToAlwaysActivate array.

now I’m getting Language file ‘’ not found.

guess it can’t be disabled after all…

On the new version, you only need to edit the file global.ini.php in piwik/config.

Set the default_language accordingly to the name of the language files at the lang folder.
And also set the parameter enable_language_to_country_guess to 0
For language pt_BR:

default_language = pt-br

enable_language_to_country_guess = 0

hello gpakosz,how solved that your problem?