How can I get (export) the URLs of the all tracked pages?

Hello. I installed Piwik to my blog. I want to get the URLs of the most tracked blog posts in XML format via Piwik API . I use Actions.getPageUrls method for this. But this method doesn’t give all the URLs. For example, these are the tracked URLs:

and it is the XML output of these pages :


As you see, there is not url tag in all rows. That’s why, I cant get the URL of blog post.
So, my question is the how can I get (export) the URLs of the all tracked pages?

You can add &expanded=1 in the API request.

Then, you have to parse the results and only keep the ones with a attribute.

it is not as simple as it should be, due to the way Piwik “Splits” URL based on the slash / character.