Hide Search-function and parts of menu from Users (Update Problem)

Hey guys,
I used to hide some parts of Piwik to users that dont need the specific information.
I would partly do this in _topBarTopMenu.twig

{% if (userLogin != 'website2') %} 
show/hide something
{% endif %}

But the other day I decided to update Piwik a couple of versions. This was like 1 year old.
Im trying to implement the same tecnique on _menu.twig without success. I have no idea how to restrict users through these twig templates.

E.g I want all non-admin users only to see the custom dashboard and not the rest of the main menu. Also that they donĀ“t have access to the search function.

Can anyone here be kind enough to point me in the right direction? How can I accomplish what I did before?