Hi guys i have a question plzzzz help meee?


I have added below code for on play button click event for video.
onclick="_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Video Content’, ‘Play’, ‘Video Title’]);"

Now when I click on play button, it sends a request to piwik.php file with below url:
http://my.domain.com/piwik/piwik.php?e_c=Video%20Content&e_a=Play&e_n=Video%20Title&idsite=1&rec=1&r=567550&h=11&m=37&s=27&url= 1 url &_id=0fc5f88e80aad80f&_idts=1529302030&_idvc=1&_idn=0&_refts=0&_viewts=1529302030&cs=windows-1252&send_image=1&pdf=1&qt=0&realp=0&wma=0&dir=0&fla=0&java=0&gears=0&ag=0&cookie=1&res=1280x720&gt_ms=127&pv_id=bC8UVL

But this url returns 400 Bad Request. Kindly suggest, what can be done to resolve the issue.
Thanks in advance.

Duplicate of