Help! I Just Can't Solve This!

My IT has said:

We have checked the piwik analytics dashboard for and found that no data is tracking by the piwik. So we have checked the website and ensure that the tracking script is provided by piwik is used in the website. It was fine. So we have rechecked the analytics. But still it not tracking this. So we have searched about this in piwik forums. In the piwik forums, it was told that the script need to insert below the closing tags of body ( tag). We have found that you have inserted the script in the theme options (In the space for google analytics code). It was actually added below the starting tag of body ( tag). So we have added this in the theme file for just testing. But this also not tracking the analytics data.

So we have checked the other 2 sites added in the piwik dashboard. But those 2 websites also not tracking the details.

Can anybody assist me?

I don’t really understand what the issue is.

The tracking code should be somewhere between and . If you’re using the “piwikTracker” code place it before , if you are using the “_paq” code place it just after .


Have a look at:

As per piwik tracking code instructions:
“JavaScript Tracking Code
Make sure this code is on every page of your website before the tag.”

I see the tracking code in the source, but it’s not tracking anything.



Your website is sending a proper tracking request to piwik.php. However something on your Piwik installation is wrong: redirects to some blog. Please ask the webserver administrator (if not you) to fix this.


What do you mean by “However something on your Piwik installation is wrong: [] redirects to some blog. Please ask the webserver administrator (if not you) to fix this.” is a brand new website that I am going to add content to and expand. What redirect are you getting?


Just click the link and see for yourself.

Which link?

Still unable to solve this…any advice is appreciated.