Having Fatal error: Call to undefined function timezone_open() after migrating

Hi All,

Recently, I’ve installed PIWIK successfully but this problem arise after I’ve migrated it into a new server. After login in, all panels/blocks shows “Fatal error: Call to undefined function timezone_open() in /public_html/piwik/core/Date.php on line 197”. Initially I thought it’s due to the PHP version is incorrect but realize the version is supported by PIWIK. piwik.org/docs/requirements/

My Servers PHP version is PHP version is 5.1.6

Anyone has any idea? I’ve attached a screenshot for a better idea.

The problem is that you switched to an older version php version that doesn’t have timezone support, and in your previous installation, you selected timezones that require timezone support.

Login to your Piwik dashboard and go to Settings. Change the default timezone and the timezone for each of your sites.

Alternately, ask your hoster to recompile PHP 5.1.6 with EXPERIMENTAL_DATE_SUPPORT=1. (But if they do recompile, maybe ask about upgrading to a newer version with security and bug fixes.)