Have JS tracker only fire if cookie and site id is present

Is there a way to have the JS tracking pixel work how the Bing or Google tracking pixels work?
What I mean is both Bing/Yahoo and Google AdWords can have multiple trackers on a page, and the tracker that fires only fires if there is a cookie present and the Ad ID, then and only then does the tracker fire.

What I am trying to achieve is being able to send mutiple sites to the same landing page and have it track properly with multiple site tracking codes. So say I have have sites 1,2,3,4,5’s tracking code on my offer lander, a visit from site ID 3 will only track on the siteID 3’s tracker and not fire every other one at the same time? I am thinking if there is a way to get the siteID, verify cookie exsists and the customer ID and have it use those bits to know which pixel fires, it will then track to the proper site ID, push the tracking and goal, have it match the visitors ID that gets set on the main page before being sent to the offer landing page. So in my Dashboard I could see the hit come from a AD network, go to my site and get tracked as normal, they then get sent to the offer landing page, which is where the tracker should be looking for the cookie, siteID, visitorID, then fires the proper tracker or injects the info into the Piwik tracker to send the proper info.

Hope this all makes sense. Let me know if I need to try and explain this better or if I can share anymore information.


Such thing is possible! I would recommend Professional services: http://piwik.org/consulting/#contact-consultant

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