Graph in "Page titles" section show without any data

I’ve just upgraded from an old 2.x version to 2.14.1. I had a lot of problems but i’ve been able to solve a few of them (tracker wasn’t tracking anymore, plugins errors, database errors, etc).

Now, everything seems to work except the “page titles” section graph. The graph is there but always at 0. If i go to the “Pages” section and i show the graph for the same webpage, i do have data and the graph show something.

So why the graph in the “page titles” show 0 stats?

Is there a way to revert back to an old version of Piwik? It seems that this version have a lot of bug!

I’ve found the bug. It’s because the page title have a character that he doesn’t like. For example, the page title “Qui fait quoi? - L’Aller-Retour” have an apostrophe and piwik only see “Qui fait quoi? - L”.

I will open a bug on github: apostrophe/single quote bug when showing 'row evolution' in 'page titles' section · Issue #8393 · matomo-org/piwik · GitHub