Google2Piwik configuation

What is the right syntax for the Google2Piwik config file, google2piwik.conf ? I keep getting an “Exception: Invalid Google credentials given.” when iI run ./ -p

user_login = user
user_pass  = password
table_id   = ga:XXXXXXXX

Is the user_login such as or simply user?

Do I need to escape special characters in the password or quote it?

I requested an API key for Analytics, "Key for browser apps (with referers) " is that correct or should I use a server key?

Thank you for your input!

I reply myself for future reference:

user_login =
user_password = AVerySecretPassword

It works very well, unfortunately I hit some API request limit while importing.

Regarding Google2Piwik tool: unfortunately it is currently not supported anymore. We are planning to officially stop supporting the tool and then create a new much improved Google Analytics data importer.

I created following tickets to make this plan happen sometimes over next few months:

Deprecate Google2Piwik -> Deprecate Google2Piwik · Issue #6096 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub
Create an API to let users import historical report data in Piwik -> Create an API to let users import historical report data in Piwik · Issue #6094 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub
Let users import Google Analytics data in Piwik -> Let users import Google Analytics data in Piwik · Issue #6095 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub

(later we would then be able to write other data importers from other tools or platforms!)

Feel free to comment in any of these tickets.