Google Analytics Import plugin not fetching data for all the years

Hi everyone!
I am using google analytics import plugin. In my Google Analytics Account, I have data from 2016 to 2022 and I want to import it all in Matomo On-primes. But I am getting data only for the year 2022. I don’t know why this is happening to me? Please have a look at the screenshot.

The log files has been attached below.

Please anyone help me to overcome this problem. Looking forward to hear from your side.
Thanks a lot in advance!

Best Regards!
Hafiz Naser

The plugin currently has a bug that stops the import just after only 1 day. See also:

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Hi @kal,
Thank you so much for responding! Can you please share the updated version of the plugin?

There’s none yet.

@Altamash_Shaikh provided here a link to a patch you have to install manually by patching the scripts.

I’ve tested it and apparently solves the problem, but it’s still not pulled into the main code.

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Hey everyone Released 4.3.4 version of the plugin, which should fix the issue.


Great news! Thank you.

Hi @Altamash_Shaikh,
Thank you so much for responding. I have updated Google Analytics Import plugin to 4.3.4 and have run the import job again. Let see if it works.

Hi @kal and @Altamash_Shaikh ,
I updated Matomo to the latest version i.e. 4.12.0 and the latest version of Google Analytics Import plugin i.e. 4.3.4 and PHP version 7.4 still facing the same problem.

I have given the start date 2016-10-10 but import job start importing data from 2022-07-13

The log file is also attached below.…log

Anyone please guide me how I can fetch all data from 2016 to 2022. The data for all these years exists in Google Analytics.

The log report says
Importing the following date ranges in order: 2016-10-10,2022-10-11
Importing reports for date range 2016-10-10 - 2022-07-13 from GA view 122514142.
Importing data for GA View 122514142 for date 2022-07-13…

I think the previous dates were already imported, so it has started from the date where it was rate limited.

Hi Thanks for the response. I have checked data by using date range calendar, but there is no data for the year 2016 or 2017 upto 2021. There is just data for the year 2022.

@Naser_Aslam Recent update starts with recent dates first so 2022…2021 and so on

Oh really? I was so upset about it :slight_smile: then why it starts from 2022-07-13 instead of today date?

Hey @Naser_Aslam Did you started a new import or you just updated the plugin and its the previous import which failed has resumed ?

Hi @Altamash_Shaikh I started new import and deleted the website which was being imported previously before updating the plugin.

@Naser_Aslam That’s strange!
Can you check if it shows up all the dates in mysql using below query ?
SELECT * FROM matomo_archive_numeric_2022_10 WHERE name='GoogleAnalyticsImporter_isImportedFromGa'

Note you might have to change the table name as per your setup