For the life of me I don’t understand why there is no way to parse throught the XML results for the getOutlinks call and then use the 7 tag to bring the missing uri / query data attached to that id??? Or maybe there is?
For those who want to call getOutlink by idSubtable, I made a simple change. I couldn’t get mine to function with the call to outlinkUrl, but I found that clunky anyway and preferred the using idSubtable.
Yes, I see you already had that set up, and I myself should have realized that in your code.
I replaced your original code and will now use getOutlinks with idSubtable.
I must still make 2 calls, one to parse all the XML in the first call to getOutlinks to gather the idSubtables in an array and then make the call to back to getOulinks with the idSubtable in order to caputre the full .
If there is a better way to do this, please let me know. The real problem is that the full isn’t included with the original call to getOulinks. This would eliminate the whole 2 call issue and a lot of extra scripting…