"Get visitors real time" fails after upgrade from 2.9 to 2.10

Everything is working fine after the upgrade, except “Get visitors real time”. I receive this error description:

Key “plugins” for array with keys “idSite, idVisit, visitIp, visitorId, actionDetails, goalConversions, siteCurrency, siteCurrencySymbol, serverDate, visitServerHour, lastActionTimestamp, lastActionDateTime, userId, visitorType, visitorTypeIcon, visitConverted, visitConvertedIcon, visitCount, firstActionTimestamp, visitEcommerceStatus, visitEcommerceStatusIcon, daysSinceFirstVisit, daysSinceLastEcommerceOrder, visitDuration, visitDurationPretty, searches, actions, referrerType, referrerTypeName, referrerName, referrerKeyword, referrerKeywordPosition, referrerUrl, referrerSearchEngineUrl, referrerSearchEngineIcon, deviceType, operatingSystem, operatingSystemCode, operatingSystemIcon, browserFamily, browserFamilyDescription, browser, browserName, browserIcon, browserCode, browserVersion, events, continent, continentCode, country, countryCode, countryFlag, region, regionCode, city, location, latitude, longitude, visitLocalTime, visitLocalHour, daysSinceLastVisit, provider, providerName, providerUrl, customVariables, serverTimestamp, serverTimePretty, serverDatePretty, serverDatePrettyFirstAction, serverTimePrettyFirstAction” does not exist in “@Live/getLastVisitsStart.twig”

Same here. I already deactivated the plugin and activated it again and cleared all tmp files. No change.

My error message ends with:
does not exist in “@Live/getLastVisitsStart.twig” at line 12

Hi guys, thanks for the report. can you please create an issue in our issue tracker: Issues · matomo-org/piwik · GitHub
we will fix it then, cheers


I got rid of the error after (re?)activating DevicePlugins. According other reports Resolution and DevicePlugins must be activated.

Thanks Cray. It seems indeed Resolution and DevicePlugins were deactivated during the upgrade. By activating them, everything is working fine again.