Generate report by cron problem

I try to do this How to Set up Auto-Archiving of Your Reports - Analytics Platform - Matomo . I set the cron to generate reports and disable ‘Piwik archiving to trigger when reports are viewed from the browser’. In the main dashboard in window ‘Visitors in real time’ i can see pages being viewed but in most of the windows i have ‘There is no data for this report.’ also in ‘All Websites’ i have 0 visits in all sites. When I change to trigger archiving when reports are viewed from the browser every thing works fine. What am I doing wrong?

The cron script you setup is not working and not processing reports

So why script is not working. I have made test script at the same localization as and run it by cron and it worked so why is not working?

cron is working it issue such error ‘php binary not found. Make sure php5 or php exists in PATH.’