Function install and uninstall dont work in my plugin

Hello! I can not access to and post this massage there. I write plugin for piwik, and need create for it column in database, for this operation I use piwik API, I create function install () in class of my plugin:

class ExGoal extends Piwik_Plugin {

public function install(){
		$query = "ALTER IGNORE TABLE `piwik_log_conversion` ADD `data` VARCHAR ( 255 ) NULL";
		try {
		catch(Exception $e) {
			if(!Zend_Registry::get('db')->isErrNo($e, '1060'))
				throw $e;

But table not altered, function untinstall similarly don`t work.

For storage I use mysql. And I test query - they work, but piwik can`t execute it.

Remove PluginsInstalled[] = yourplugin from config.ini.php (plugins are installed only once)

Remove PluginsInstalled[] = yourplugin from config.ini.php (plugins are installed only once)[/quote]

Remove PluginsInstalled[] = yourplugin from config.ini.php (plugins are installed only once)[/quote]
And I have one question… How I can debug developed plugin in Piwik?