Hello, I am absolutely new to Piwik, and do not understand the coding language… just to get that out of the way.
I am tracking about 11 sites right now, and all are running smooth. But, it appears that 5 of 6 WordPress sites I have are not tracking the full url’s. What I mean is, multiple page visits just show the index over and over again. I have checked this a few times (via friends) to verify. The only other thing I can think of is that these 5 WordPress sites are using a sub directory for all of the WordPress files (while the 6th is not), with the settings set to run the index in the main (like this: Giving WordPress Its Own Directory « WordPress Codex). Is there any simple walk through to help correct this for me, or do I need to migrate out of the sub directory (which I do not want to do… but will if it is the only way)? Or can it be something else entirely?