[FIXED] Keep same view when user change different site or different date

Hi guys,

So when user change date or site, Piwik keep goes back to the first View (e.g daskboard). Its actually make me goes nuts when I’m currently viewing Visitors->Times, Change to different site I have to click on Visiters->Times again.

Just a quick fix; I’ve made a little change to the /plugins/CoreHome/templates/menu.js to keep track of my last view using cookie. But in the hope that Piwik would have a better solution in next release.


function menu()

menu.prototype =
    onClickLI: function ()
        //Add both the parent ID and the actual click ID 
        return false;
    loadFirstSection: function()
        var self=this;
        //Add Ids to all of li.
        $("ul.nav").find("li").each( function(i){
            $(this).attr({ id: 'menu_liID_' + ++i });
        /* If user is changing the date, or site we'll try to update the cookie.*/
        var LastView = menu.prototype.getCookie("LastView");
        if (LastView != null)
            var liIDs = LastView.split(",");
            var my_ParentID;
            (liIDs[0]) ? my_ParentID = liIDs[0] : my_ParentID = liIDs[1];
            menu.prototype.requestedNewSite = null;
        else //Default
            $('li:first', self.param.superfish)
    getCookie: function (cookie_name)
        var self=this;
        var results = document.cookie.match ( '(^|;) ?' + cookie_name + '=([^;]*)(;|$)' );

        if ( results )
            return ( unescape ( results[2] ) );
            return null;