Fatal Error while update

From console:

www-data@ntdrl ~/s.my_domain.org
 % php /var/www/s.my_domain.org/console core:update 
PHP Fatal error:  Class 'DeviceDetector\Parser\Device\DeviceParserAbstract' not found in /var/www/s.my_domain.org/plugins/DevicesDetection/DevicesDetection.php on line 57

www-data@ntdrl ~/s.my_domain.org
 % git checkout 2.3.0
Note: checking out '2.3.0'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b new_branch_name

HEAD is now at 6871bbc... 2.3.0 KABOOM
www-data@ntdrl ~/s.my_domain.org
 % php /var/www/s.my_domain.org/console core:update 
PHP Fatal error:  Class 'DeviceDetector' not found in /var/www/s.my_domain.org/plugins/DevicesDetection/DevicesDetection.php on line 61
www-data@ntdrl ~/s.my_domain.org
 % git checkout 2.2.0                               
Previous HEAD position was 6871bbc... 2.3.0 KABOOM
HEAD is now at 3c48e3d... 2.2.0 final
www-data@ntdrl ~/s.my_domain.org
 % php /var/www/s.my_domain.org/console core:update 
PHP Fatal error:  Class 'DeviceDetector' not found in /var/www/s.my_domain.org/plugins/DevicesDetection/DevicesDetection.php on line 63
www-data@ntdrl ~/s.my_domain.org

See: How to use Piwik from GIT

Thank you very much! It works!