Fatal error: Out of memory

on the new piwik 0.6.1 i get an error message called on VISITOR

when i activate the Plugin “AnonymizeIP” i will get an error message called
"Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 13369344) (tried to allocate 16 bytes) in /piwik/plugins/Live/Visitor.php on line 218"

after i deactivate the Plugin “AnonymizeIP” i will get an error message called
"Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 13369344) (tried to allocate 79 bytes) in /piwik/core/Date.php on line 240"

after i deactivate the Plugin “MultiSites” i will get an error message called
"Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 13369344) (tried to allocate 523 bytes) in /piwik/libs/Zend/Db/Statement.php on line 207"

and so on…

has anybody any ideas?