Excluding my own IP address from Piwik results

I’m new to Piwik, this is my first post so please excuse me if it is a silly question.

Two sites that I run are performing poorly in Google. I’ve installed Piwik so that I can monitor them better. I’d like to exclude my own ip address so that I don’t show as a visitor. Is this the correct thing to do (from the FAQ)?

To exclude all traffic from a given IP or IP range, log in Piwik as the Super User. Click on Settings > Websites. Below the list of websites, you will find the option to specify "Global list of Excluded IPs". You can define a given IP address, or IP ranges (132.4.3.* or 143.2.*.* for example) to be excluded from being tracked on all websites.

Each Piwik admin user can also specify the list of IPs or IP ranges to exclude for specific websites.

I was just worried incase there would be some effect of doing this that I haven’t anticipated.

Thanks for the advice,

Yes this feature is used to exclude the webmaster, or all people inside a given company for example…

Thanks Matt!

I can not find the ‘Global list of excluded ips’ section in the free version 2.5.

Hello Nick,

It should be located in Websites section of Piwik Settings, just below Websites Management. the section name is Global website settings. I just checked it on my 2.5.0


Hi Michal,

In the very top menu I see: Dashboard | All Websites | Admin | Sign out

In the main top menu I see: Dashboard | Visitors | Actions | Referrers | Goals

There is a Visitors > Settings option


In the very top menu click on Admin to reveal a dropdown list, Settings will be the first on the list. from there navigate to Websites section and you will find Global exclude IP there.


Got it!

admin (dropdown) > Settings > Websites > Global list of Excluded IPs
