I’ve install php 5.2.10, and tried to install the piwik.
after a lot of errors which the fixes woked - i’m stuck with the lastest one.
I’m getting the following error:
Declaration of Piwik_Log_APICall::log() should be compatible with that of Piwik_Log::log()
in '/home/shazba/www/html/traffic/piwik/core/Log/APICall.php' at the line 63
#0 Piwik_ErrorHandler(2048, Declaration of Piwik_Log_APICall::log() should be compatible with that of Piwik_Log::log(), /home/shazba/www/html/traffic/piwik/core/Log/APICall.php, 63, Array ()) called at [/home/shazba/www/html/traffic/piwik/core/Piwik.php:1232]
#1 Piwik::createLogObject() called at [/home/shazba/www/html/traffic/piwik/core/Piwik.php:1232]
#2 Piwik::createLogObject() called at [/home/shazba/www/html/traffic/piwik/core/FrontController.php:232]
#3 Piwik_FrontController->init() called at [/home/shazba/www/html/traffic/piwik/index.php:53]
and I tried the fix in:
BTW - how do I install the patch from Trac ?
for now I changed it manually… style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif
but it still doesn’t work.
can someone please help me ?