That’s it.
All cookies were deleted and now my Piwik just won’t let me login.
So it seems there was a problem when Piwik moved the super administrator infos into the database.
If i try the link to get a new password, all that Piwik send me is… my own IP address !
Wich, evidently, doesn’t work to log in.
This is serious.
I think i remember another user posting about this on this forum but i wasn’t able to retreive his topic.
If the devs can’t help, i’ll have no others solution than doing a new intall again.
But maybe it is the solution.
Maybe i just have to delete and reupload all files, fill in all data, and Piwik will find the old stats and all.
What a pain.
Yeah, it shouldn’t have done this.
In the past my cookies got deleted a few times and i had no problem.
I’ve use a small free software called HashCalc.
I gave it my old password and it gave me an MD5.
I’ve commented the line of my current password in the config.ini and created a new line for the password giving it the MD5 from HashCalc.
I sent the modifed file to the server.
After that, i could log in to my Piwik.
I will see if i can change the pass in the Piwik UI or else i’ll make a new pass and a new MD5 for it.
Sorry for the confusion, i though i had read on the changelog that thoses informations had been move to the DB.
EDIT : Changing it in the UI seems to have worked. And now i think i know why i got that problem in the first place; i need to do a backup of that config file before needed to to some change on it…