Error at istallation

Hi there,

i’ve tried to install Piwik and keep getting this error message when starting:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_LNUMBER, expecting ‘)’ in /www/htdocs/w0065f36/piwik/plugins/Goals/Goals.php on line 164

I have downloded the “” a couple of times now, unzipped and uploaded everything at least 3 times. I keep getting this ERROR.


Try turning the plugin off in config.ini.php

It really looks like the file is not uploaded correctly. Delete it from your FTP and reupload again?

Hi Mark,

after following your instructions - uploading everything again and being advised by the Welcome screen to switch to debug mode i got the following puzzleing message:
ebug enabled - Input parameters:
array ( )


And this exception raised another exception “No entry is registered for key ‘logger_exception’”

Now i’m at my intellectual finito…

can you try uploadeverything in a new directory? or use a one click install solution?

Sorry Matt,

i did as you suggested and used SimpleScripts for a One-click-install on a different site.

When everything was finished i got this:

Installing Piwik 1.6 (Stable) to Piwik › Sign in

Installation Complete! You can access your new website using the following information.
This information has been e-mailed to for your convenience.
Site URL: Piwik › Sign in
Login URL: Piwik › Sign in
Username: admin
Password: ******

But when i started Piwik i again (like so many times before) got this:

“Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_LNUMBER, expecting ‘)’ in /www/htdocs/w00d4d2e/webanalyse/plugins/Goals/Goals.php on line 164”

What can i do???

What does this Goals.php file look like if you download it from FTP ?

Hi matt,

sorry, but i could not attach goal.php.

So here it is:

<?php /** * Piwik - Open source web analytics * * @link * @license GPL v3 or later * @version $Id: Goals.php 5296 2011-10-14 02:52:44Z matt $ * * @category Piwik_Plugins * @package Piwik_Goals */ /** * * @package Piwik_Goals */ class Piwik_Goals extends Piwik_Plugin { public function getInformation() { $info = array( 'description' => Piwik_Translate('Goals_PluginDescription') . ' '. Piwik_Translate('SitesManager_PiwikOffersEcommerceAnalytics', array('','')), 'author' => 'Piwik', 'author_homepage' => '', 'version' => Piwik_Version::VERSION, 'TrackerPlugin' => true, // this plugin must be loaded during the stats logging ); return $info; } function getListHooksRegistered() { $hooks = array( 'AssetManager.getJsFiles' => 'getJsFiles', 'AssetManager.getCssFiles' => 'getCssFiles', 'Common.fetchWebsiteAttributes' => 'fetchGoalsFromDb', 'ArchiveProcessing_Day.compute' => 'archiveDay', 'ArchiveProcessing_Period.compute' => 'archivePeriod', 'API.getReportMetadata.end' => 'getReportMetadata', 'API.getSegmentsMetadata' => 'getSegmentsMetadata', 'WidgetsList.add' => 'addWidgets', 'Menu.add' => 'addMenus', 'SitesManager.deleteSite' => 'deleteSiteGoals', ); return $hooks; } /** * Delete goals recorded for this site */ function deleteSiteGoals($notification ) { $idSite = &$notification->getNotificationObject(); Piwik_Query("DELETE FROM ".Piwik_Common::prefixTable('goal') . " WHERE idsite = ? ", array($idSite)); } /** * Returns the Metadata for the Goals plugin API. * The API returns general Goal metrics: conv, conv rate and revenue globally * and for each goal. * * Also, this will update metadata of all other reports that have Goal segmentation */ public function getReportMetadata($notification) { $info = $notification->getNotificationInfo(); $idSites = $info['idSites']; $reports = &$notification->getNotificationObject(); // Processed in AddColumnsProcessedMetricsGoal // These metrics will also be available for some reports, for each goal // Example: Conversion rate for Goal 2 for the keyword 'piwik' $goalProcessedMetrics = array( 'revenue_per_visit' => Piwik_Translate('General_ColumnValuePerVisit'), ); $goalMetrics = array( 'nb_conversions' => Piwik_Translate('Goals_ColumnConversions'), 'nb_visits_converted' => Piwik_Translate('General_ColumnVisitsWithConversions'), 'conversion_rate' => Piwik_Translate('General_ColumnConversionRate'), 'revenue' => Piwik_Translate('Goals_ColumnRevenue') ); // General Goal metrics: conversions, conv rate, revenue $reports[] = array( 'category' => Piwik_Translate('Goals_Goals'), 'name' => Piwik_Translate('Goals_Goals'), 'module' => 'Goals', 'action' => 'get', 'metrics' => $goalMetrics, 'processedMetrics' => array(), 'order' => 1 ); // If only one website is selected, we add the Goal metrics if(count($idSites) == 1) { $idSite = reset($idSites); $goals = Piwik_Goals_API::getInstance()->getGoals($idSite); foreach($goals as $goal) { // Add the general Goal metrics: ie. total Goal conversions, // Goal conv rate or Goal total revenue. // This API call requires a custom parameter $reports[] = array( 'category' => Piwik_Translate('Goals_Goals'), 'name' => Piwik_Translate('Goals_GoalX', $goal['name']), 'module' => 'Goals', 'action' => 'get', 'parameters' => array('idGoal' => $goal['idgoal']), 'metrics' => $goalMetrics, 'processedMetrics' => false, 'order' => 10 + $goal['idgoal'] ); } $site = new Piwik_Site($idSite); if($site->isEcommerceEnabled()) { $category = Piwik_Translate('Goals_Ecommerce'); $ecommerceMetrics = array_merge($goalMetrics, array( 'revenue_subtotal' => Piwik_Translate('General_Subtotal'), 'revenue_tax' => Piwik_Translate('General_Tax'), 'revenue_shipping' => Piwik_Translate('General_Shipping'), 'revenue_discount' => Piwik_Translate('General_Discount'), 'items' => Piwik_Translate('General_PurchasedProducts'), 'avg_order_revenue' => Piwik_Translate('General_AverageOrderValue') )); $ecommerceMetrics['nb_conversions'] = Piwik_Translate('General_EcommerceOrders'); // General Ecommerce metrics $reports[] = array( 'category' => $category, 'name' => Piwik_Translate('General_EcommerceOrders'), 'module' => 'Goals', 'action' => 'get', 'parameters' => array('idGoal' => Piwik_Archive::LABEL_ECOMMERCE_ORDER), 'metrics' => $ecommerceMetrics, 'processedMetrics' => false, 'order' => 10 ); // Abandoned cart general metrics $abandonedCartMetrics = $goalMetrics; $abandonedCartMetrics['nb_conversions'] = Piwik_Translate('General_AbandonedCarts'); $abandonedCartMetrics['revenue'] = Piwik_Translate('Goals_LeftInCart', Piwik_Translate('Goals_ColumnRevenue')); $abandonedCartMetrics['items'] = Piwik_Translate('Goals_LeftInCart', Piwik_Translate('Goals_Products')); unset($abandonedCartMetrics['nb_visits_converted']); // Abandoned Cart metrics $reports[] = array( 'category' => $category, 'name' => Piwik_Translate('General_AbandonedCarts'), 'module' => 'Goals', 'action' => 'get', 'parameters' => array('idGoal' => Piwik_Archive::LABEL_ECOMMERCE_CART), 'metrics' => $abandonedCartMetrics, 'processedMetrics' => false, 'order' => 15 ); // Produt reports metadata $productColumns = self::getProductReportColumns(); foreach($this->ecommerceReports as $i => $ecommerceRePORT 78,54,89,36,135,78 t' => 'log_conversion.idgoal', 'acceptedValues' => '1, 2, 3, etc.', ); } protected $ecommerceReports = array( array('Goals_ProductSKU', 'Goals', 'getItemsSku'), array('Goals_ProductName', 'Goals', 'getItemsName'), array('Goals_ProductCategory', 'Goals', 'getItemsCategory') ); static public function getProductReportColumns() { return array( 'revenue' => Piwik_Translate('General_ProductRevenue'), 'quantity' => Piwik_Translate('General_Quantity'), 'orders' => Piwik_Translate('General_UniquePurchases'), 'avg_price' => Piwik_Translate('General_AveragePrice'), 'avg_quantity' => Piwik_Translate('General_AverageQuantity'), 'nb_visits' => Piwik_Translate('General_ColumnNbVisits'), 'conversion_rate' => Piwik_Translate('General_ProductConversionRate'), ); } static public function getReportsWithGoalMetrics() { $dimensions = array(); Piwik_PostEvent('Goals.getReportsWithGoalMetrics', $dimensions); $dimensionsByGroup = array(); foreach($dimensions as $dimension) { $group = $dimension['category']; unset($dimension['category']); $dimensionsByGroup[$group][] = $dimension; } return $dimensionsByGroup; } function getJsFiles( $notification ) { $jsFiles = &$notification->getNotificationObject(); $jsFiles[] = "plugins/Goals/templates/GoalForm.js"; } function getCssFiles( $notification ) { $cssFiles = &$notification->getNotificationObject(); $cssFiles[] = "plugins/Goals/templates/goals.css"; } function fetchGoalsFromDb($notification) { $idsite = $notification->getNotificationInfo(); // add the 'goal' entry in the website array $array =& $notification->getNotificationObject(); $array['goals'] = Piwik_Goals_API::getInstance()->getGoals($idsite); } function addWidgets() { $idSite = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('idSite', null, 'int'); // Ecommerce widgets $site = new Piwik_Site($idSite); if($site->isEcommerceEnabled()) { Piwik_AddWidget('Goals_Ecommerce', 'Goals_EcommerceOverview', 'Goals', 'widgetGoalReport', array('idGoal' => Piwik_Archive::LABEL_ECOMMERCE_ORDER)); Piwik_AddWidget('Goals_Ecommerce', 'Goals_EcommerceLog', 'Goals', 'getEcommerceLog'); foreach($this->ecommerceReports as $widget) { Piwik_AddWidget('Goals_Ecommerce', $widget[0], $widget[1], $widget[2]); } } // Goals widgets Piwik_AddWidget('Goals_Goals', 'Goals_GoalsOverview', 'Goals', 'widgetGoalsOverview'); $goals = Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::getGoalDefinitions($idSite); if(count($goals) > 0) { foreach($goals as $goal) { Piwik_AddWidget('Goals_Goals', Piwik_Common::sanitizeInputValue($goal['name']), 'Goals', 'widgetGoalReport', array('idGoal' => $goal['idgoal'])); } } } protected function getGoalCategoryName($idSite) { $site = new Piwik_Site($idSite); return $site->isEcommerceEnabled() ? 'Goals_EcommerceAndGoalsMenu' : 'Goals_Goals'; } function addMenus() { $idSite = Piwik_Common::getRequestVar('idSite', null, 'int'); $goals = Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::getGoalDefinitions($idSite); $mainGoalMenu = $this->getGoalCategoryName($idSite); $site = new Piwik_Site($idSite); if(count($goals)==0) { Piwik_AddMenu($mainGoalMenu, '', array( 'module' => 'Goals', 'action' => ($site->isEcommerceEnabled() ? 'ecommerceReport' : 'addNewGoal'), 'idGoal' => ($site->isEcommerceEnabled() ? Piwik_Archive::LABEL_ECOMMERCE_ORDER : null)), true, 25); if($site->isEcommerceEnabled()) { Piwik_AddMenu($mainGoalMenu, 'Goals_Ecommerce', array('module' => 'Goals', 'action' => 'ecommerceReport', 'idGoal' => Piwik_Archive::LABEL_ECOMMERCE_ORDER), true, 1); } Piwik_AddMenu($mainGoalMenu, 'Goals_AddNewGoal', array('module' => 'Goals', 'action' => 'addNewGoal')); } else { Piwik_AddMenu($mainGoalMenu, '', array( 'module' => 'Goals', 'action' => ($site->isEcommerceEnabled() ? 'ecommerceReport' : 'index'), 'idGoal' => ($site->isEcommerceEnabled() ? Piwik_Archive::LABEL_ECOMMERCE_ORDER : null)), true, 25); if($site->isEcommerceEnabled()) { Piwik_AddMenu($mainGoalMenu, 'Goals_Ecommerce', array('module' => 'Goals', 'action' => 'ecommerceReport', 'idGoal' => Piwik_Archive::LABEL_ECOMMERCE_ORDER), true, 1); } Piwik_AddMenu($mainGoalMenu, 'Goals_GoalsOverview', array('module' => 'Goals', 'action' => 'index'), true, 2); foreach($goals as $goal) { Piwik_AddMenu($mainGoalMenu, str_replace('%', '%%', Piwik_TranslationWriter::clean($goal['name'])), array('module' => 'Goals', 'action' => 'goalReport', 'idGoal' => $goal['idgoal'])); } } } /** * @param string $recordName 'nb_conversions' * @param int $idGoal idGoal to return the metrics for, or false to return overall * @return string Archive record name */ static public function getRecordName($recordName, $idGoal = false) { $idGoalStr = ''; if($idGoal !== false) { $idGoalStr = $idGoal . "_"; } return 'Goal_' . $idGoalStr . $recordName; } /** * Hooks on Period archiving. * Sums up Goal conversions stats, and processes overall conversion rate * * @param Piwik_Event_Notification $notification * @return void */ function archivePeriod($notification ) { /** * @var Piwik_ArchiveProcessing */ $archiveProcessing = $notification->getNotificationObject(); if(!$archiveProcessing->shouldProcessReportsForPlugin($this->getPluginName())) return; /* * Archive Ecommerce Items */ if($this->shouldArchiveEcommerceItems($archiveProcessing)) { $dataTableToSum = $this->dimensions; foreach($this->dimensions as $recordName) { $dataTableToSum[] = self::getItemRecordNameAbandonedCart($recordName); } $nameToCount = $archiveProcessing->archiveDataTable($dataTableToSum); } /* * Archive General Goal metrics */ $goalIdsToSum = Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::getGoalIds($archiveProcessing->idsite); //Ecommerce $goalIdsToSum[] = Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::IDGOAL_ORDER; $goalIdsToSum[] = Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::IDGOAL_CART; //bug here if idgoal=1 // Overall goal metrics $goalIdsToSum[] = false; $fieldsToSum = array(); foreach($goalIdsToSum as $goalId) { $metricsToSum = Piwik_Goals::getGoalColumns($goalId); unset($metricsToSum[array_search('conversion_rate', $metricsToSum)]); foreach($metricsToSum as $metricName) { $fieldsToSum[] = self::getRecordName($metricName, $goalId); } } $records = $archiveProcessing->archiveNumericValuesSum($fieldsToSum); // also recording conversion_rate for each goal foreach($goalIdsToSum as $goalId) { $nb_conversions = $records[self::getRecordName('nb_visits_converted', $goalId)]; $conversion_rate = $this->getConversionRate($nb_conversions, $archiveProcessing); $archiveProcessing->insertNumericRecord(self::getRecordName('conversion_rate', $goalId), $conversion_rate); } } static public function getGoalColumns($idGoal) { $columns = array( 'nb_conversions', 'nb_visits_converted', 'conversion_rate', 'revenue', ); if($idGoal === false) { return $columns; } // Orders if($idGoal === Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::IDGOAL_ORDER) { $columns = array_merge($columns, array( 'revenue_subtotal', 'revenue_tax', 'revenue_shipping', 'revenue_discount', )); } // Abandoned carts & orders if($idGoal <= Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::IDGOAL_ORDER) { $columns[] = 'items'; } return $columns; } /** * Hooks on the Daily archiving. * Will process Goal stats overall and for each Goal. * Also processes the New VS Returning visitors conversion stats. * * @param Piwik_Event_Notification $notification * @return void */ function archiveDay( $notification ) { /** * @var Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day */ $archiveProcessing = $notification->getNotificationObject(); if(!$archiveProcessing->shouldProcessReportsForPlugin($this->getPluginName())) return; $this->archiveGeneralGoalMetrics($archiveProcessing); $this->archiveEcommerceItems($archiveProcessing); } /** * @param Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day $archiveProcessing */ function archiveGeneralGoalMetrics($archiveProcessing) { $query = $archiveProcessing->queryConversionsByDimension(''); if($query === false) { return; } $goals = array(); // Get a standard empty goal row $overall = $archiveProcessing->getNewGoalRow( $idGoal = 1); while($row = $query->fetch() ) { if(!isset($goals[$row['idgoal']])) $goals[$row['idgoal']] = $archiveProcessing->getNewGoalRow($row['idgoal']); $archiveProcessing->updateGoalStats($row, $goals[$row['idgoal']]); // We don't want to sum Abandoned cart metrics in the overall revenue/conversions/converted visits // since it is a "negative conversion" if($row['idgoal'] != Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::IDGOAL_CART) { $archiveProcessing->updateGoalStats($row, $overall); } } // Stats by goal, for all visitors foreach($goals as $idgoal => $values) { foreach($values as $metricId => $value) { $metricName = Piwik_Archive::$mappingFromIdToNameGoal[$metricId]; $recordName = self::getRecordName($metricName, $idgoal); $archiveProcessing->insertNumericRecord($recordName, $value); } $conversion_rate = $this->getConversionRate($values[Piwik_Archive::INDEX_GOAL_NB_VISITS_CONVERTED], $archiveProcessing); $recordName = self::getRecordName('conversion_rate', $idgoal); $archiveProcessing->insertNumericRecord($recordName, $conversion_rate); } // Stats for all goals $totalAllGoals = array( self::getRecordName('conversion_rate') => $this->getConversionRate($archiveProcessing->getNumberOfVisitsConverted(), $archiveProcessing), self::getRecordName('nb_conversions') => $overall[Piwik_Archive::INDEX_GOAL_NB_CONVERSIONS], self::getRecordName('nb_visits_converted') => $archiveProcessing->getNumberOfVisitsConverted(), self::getRecordName('revenue') => $overall[Piwik_Archive::INDEX_GOAL_REVENUE], ); foreach($totalAllGoals as $recordName => $value) { $archiveProcessing->insertNumericRecord($recordName, $value); } } protected $dimensions = array( 'idaction_sku' => 'Goals_ItemsSku', 'idaction_name' => 'Goals_ItemsName', 'idaction_category' => 'Goals_ItemsCategory' ); protected function shouldArchiveEcommerceItems($archiveProcessing) { // Per item doesn't support segment // Also, when querying Goal metrics for visitorType==returning, we wouldnt want to trigger an extra request // event if it did support segment // (if this is implented, we should have shouldProcessReportsForPlugin() support partial archiving based on which metric is requested) if(!$archiveProcessing->getSegment()->isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } /** * @param Piwik_ArchiveProcessing_Day $archiveProcessing */ function archiveEcommerceItems($archiveProcessing) { if(!$this->shouldArchiveEcommerceItems($archiveProcessing)) { return false; } $items = array(); $dimensionsToQuery = $this->dimensions; $dimensionsToQuery['idaction_category2'] = 'AdditionalCategory'; $dimensionsToQuery['idaction_category3'] = 'AdditionalCategory'; $dimensionsToQuery['idaction_category4'] = 'AdditionalCategory'; $dimensionsToQuery['idaction_category5'] = 'AdditionalCategory'; foreach($dimensionsToQuery as $dimension => $recordName) { $query = $archiveProcessing->queryEcommerceItems($dimension); if($query == false) { continue; } while($row = $query->fetch()) { $label = $row['label']; $ecommerceType = $row['ecommerceType']; if(empty($label)) { // idaction==0 case: // If we are querying any optional category, we do not include idaction=0 // Otherwise we over-report in the Product Categories report if($recordName == 'AdditionalCategory') { continue; } // Product Name/Category not defined" $label = Piwik_CustomVariables::LABEL_CUSTOM_VALUE_NOT_DEFINED; } // For carts, idorder = 0. To count abandoned carts, we must count visits with an abandoned cart if($ecommerceType == Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::IDGOAL_CART) { $row[Piwik_Archive::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ORDERS] = $row[Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_VISITS]; } unset($row[Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_VISITS]); unset($row['label']); unset($row['ecommerceType']); $revenueColumns = array( Piwik_Archive::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_REVENUE, Piwik_Archive::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_PRICE, Piwik_Archive::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_PRICE_VIEWED, ); foreach($revenueColumns as $column) { if(isset($row[$column]) && $row[$column] == round($row[$column])) { $row[$column] = round($row[$column]); } } $items[$dimension][$ecommerceType][$label] = $row; } } foreach($this->dimensions as $dimension => $recordName) { foreach(array(Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::IDGOAL_CART, Piwi $label = $row['label']; $ecommerceType = $row['ecommerceType']; if(empty($label)) { // idaction==0 case: // If we are querying any optional category, we do not include idaction=0 // Otherwise we over-report in the Product Categories report if($recordName == 'AdditionalCategory') { continue; } // Product Name/Category not defined" $label = Piwik_CustomVariables::LABEL_CUSTOM_VALUE_NOT_DEFINED; } // For carts, idorder = 0. To count abandoned carts, we must count visits with an abandoned cart if($ecommerceType == Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::IDGOAL_CART) { $row[Piwik_Archive::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ORDERS] = $row[Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_VISITS]; } unset($row[Piwik_Archive::INDEX_NB_VISITS]); unset($row['label']); unset($row['ecommerceType']); $revenueColumns = array( Piwik_Archive::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_REVENUE, Piwik_Archive::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_PRICE, Piwik_Archive::INDEX_ECOMMERCE_ITEM_PRICE_VIEWED, ); foreach($revenueColumns as $column) { if(isset($row[$column]) && $row[$column] == round($row[$column])) { $row[$column] = round($row[$column]); } } $items[$dimension][$ecommerceType][$label] = $row; } } foreach($this->dimensions as $dimension => $recordName) { foreach(array(Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::IDGOAL_CART, Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::IDGOAL_ORDER) as $ecommerceType) { if(!isset($items[$dimension][$ecommerceType])) { continue; } $recordNameInsert = $recordName; if($ecommerceType == Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::IDGOAL_CART) { $recordNameInsert = self::getItemRecordNameAbandonedCart($recordName); } $table = $archiveProcessing->getDataTableFromArray($items[$dimension][$ecommerceType]); // For "category" report, we aggregate all 5 category queries into one datatable if($dimension == 'idaction_category') { foreach(array('idaction_category2','idaction_category3','idaction_category4','idaction_category5') as $categoryToSum) { if(!empty($items[$categoryToSum][$ecommerceType])) { $tableToSum = $archiveProcessing->getDataTableFromArray($items[$categoryToSum][$ecommerceType]); $table->addDataTable($tableToSum); } } } $archiveProcessing->insertBlobRecord($recordNameInsert, $table->getSerialized()); } } } static public function getItemRecordNameAbandonedCart($recordName) { return $recordName . '_Cart'; } function getConversionRate($count, $archiveProcessing) { $visits = $archiveProcessing->getNumberOfVisits(); return round(100 * $count / $visits, Piwik_Tracker_GoalManager::REVENUE_PRECISION); } }

This is not correct at the line 164 that PHP told you there is an error…

there is some code added:

// Produt reports metadata
$productColumns = self::getProductReportColumns();
foreach($this->ecommerceReports as $i => $ecommerceRePORT 78,54,89,36,135,78
t' => 'log_conversion.idgoal',
'acceptedValues' => '1, 2, 3, etc.',

Again sorry matt, but i don’t understand.

Is the code wrong? Can i do anything beyond what i have tried so far?

To bring you up to date:

The website is running on the most recent versions of PHP and MySQL. I have again uploaded everything with a very much Pro-tool in binary mode to get this same error when i start Piwiks Installation.

yes the code is wrong, some text is added. try using Filezilla FTP software and upload piwik 1.6 in new directory again.

Thanx matt,

thank you to your analysis my problems with both sites are solved !! :slight_smile:

It seems the culprit was not SmartFTP (I had the same errors with Filezilla FTP), but either my firewall or some antispy software running on my PC.

Anyway i cleaned the broken files manually and now everything seems to run fine.

I am truly grateful!

haha what a crazy bug, you should really find out the software causing this and warn us never to trust these!