Error after Install


i wanted to try out Piwik but after clicking the last Button of the Install-Interface I get this error message:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function stream_context_create() in /users/joachimspaeth/www/piwik/core/Piwik.php on line 912

This is the absolute Path:


Here you can find a link to my PHPinfo() - file

May someone help me?

It looks like you’re missing the streams extension in your PHP build. It’s standard in 4.3.

So it’s a problem with my hoster?

It runs PHP Version 5.2.8

Hmm… it looks you have streams.

Can you try disabling your open_basedir restrictions?


after install of version 0.2.30 I have got the same problem.
Now I have reinstalled version 0.2.29!

I hope, this problems will be solved in the future.


0.2.30 added an update notifier; I suppose that could be made configurable or detect the limitation at runtime…

thanks for your report I fixed it in SVN will be available in next release.