Email reports with (german) special characters

Hello Folks and Piwik-Fans,

I’m struggling a bit with the email reports. Setup is done pretty easy and it works. But as we are using in german language we experience some problems with the german special characters, e.g. ß ö ä ü

In the emails they are printed out as for example “ä” - looks for me like the utf 8 encoding.

At the global.ini the charset is set to utf-8. The email source also says utf-8.

Any idea?


Can you reproduce the issue with a new email report? can you take a screenshot?

hej matt,
thanks for your reply. i can reproduce. see here:

[attachment 1696 piwik.JPG]

should be “Mär” and “Besucherüberblick”


Can you please forward me that email to with also URL to this forum post?