Email reports not sent since 2.0 on OVH


Since I upgraded to Piwik 2.0, my email reports are never sent (although they should be sent everyday).
I now run 2.3, and this is still the same issue.
Note that:

  • I installed Piwik on a shared hosting server (OVH)
  • sending instantaneously a report works fine
    So this looks more than a scheduling problem than email problem.

What could I do?

Thank you


I have the same problem, to solve you can :

  1. Web Cron When Your Web Host Does Not Support Cron Tasks

You need to load this page every hour (change and 96cd934744d8c36712f456b70cdb85cc to adapt to your case).

  1. There is a bug (at the moment) :

to solve it, change CliMulti.Php

That’s all

No idea? :S

Have you try 2.4.0-b8 ?
The bug in CliMulti.Php has been solved.

Dear icare34,

Thank you.
I tried your solution #2 (for some unknown reason, I had not seen your message before last week).
And, after a few days (which is strange), it suddenly started to work, and I receive my daily reports again.

I noticed that 2.4.0 is now released, but now I am a bit reluctant to upgrade, since everything works fine :slight_smile:

Thank you again.