Ecommerces Categories, how to set them up?


I would like to configure the category part in “Tracking Product Page Views & Category Page Views (optional)” and in “Tracking Ecommerce Orders & Items Purchased (required)”.

It works fine. But: I’m not quite sure about using always only one category or adding all parent -> child categories to every product/category pageview.

on Tracking Product Page Views & Category Page Views (optional)
Am “inside” of Category A, shall I use here: [“Category A”, "Childcategory1 of A] or better only ["Childcategory1 of A]?
Same if I am on Product of Childcategory1 of A, which solution should I use?

And the same problem for me on Tracking Ecommerce Orders & Items Purchased (required).

I do not know wether I have to use the parent -> child solution or the only the “one category” solution.

Sorry for my bad english, hope it is clear. Some recommendations anyone?

Thank you in advance.

It’s really up to you, either track only the child category, only the parent, or both. It gives you different numbers… good luck!