Download files show catagory "others"

Under behaviour → downloads I see files with category “other”. To expand the datalist I did changed “datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_actions = 500000”. This list all the files where downloaded without list “others”.
But if I change date to older date(before the row actions added) they I still see “Others”.
Is there any way I can get the data out from the category “others” for old data too? Any query I can run to get old data for some files?

You have to invalidate old compiled data:

Thanks for sharing the link.
It did helped but not all the data changed. Just last few days are changed from the date i did changed the max number. But when i used the plugin it showed green message with all dates but under “download” i can still see the catagory “other”.
Is there any way to re-prosess the reports? I did run taskschudler also.

I solved the issue by timeduration invalidate-report using command then timeduration for core:archive.

C:\php7\php.exe C:\www\piwik\piwik/console core:invalidate-report-data --dates=2018-10-01,2018-12-31 --sites=1

c:\php7\php.exe C:\www\piwik\piwik/console core:archive --force-all-websites --force-date-range=2018-10-01,2018-12-31 --url=https://piwik --accept-invalid-ssl-certificate

If i did used hole year i did not re-prosess the data. Also had issue with :slight_smile:
Add date_default_timezone_set(“UTC”); After <?php in ./console file