Discrepancy between daily report or any other timeframe

Hi guys,
i’ve a discrepancy between statistics in daily reports or the download statisics for any other timeframe.

If I download a PDF document from my website the request shows in the Piwik Visitor Log.

The Download shows also in a search in the Download section. But only on the same day.
If the Date Range is set to Week, Month or any other Timeframe the Download is missing.

Piwik 1.12
601973 visits, 348168 unique visitors
1356095 pageviews, 1022271 unique pageviews
47217 downloads, 40480 unique downloads
393786 outlinks, 326272 unique outlinks

General Settings:
Piwik archiving to trigger from the browser DISABLED
Process reports for today set to: 3600 seconds

Autoarchiving is setup with a scheduled task, executed every hour.
Is this a known Problem?

Thanks! Hannes

please try upgrade to 2.0-beta as we’ve fixed many bugs that could cause this. see: 301 Moved Permanently

Sorry guys, my fault… forgot to configure the data limit.

Matt thanks for your quick response and the new version. I’ll try the beta in the next days!