Different plugin archives from git and marketplace

I distribute my plugin into marketplace. As I know piwik download the plugin archives from github. But plugin archive from github and marketplace are different but have the same tag.

Can anyone explain how could it be?

Hi Viper,

I’m not sure what you mean. In which way is the ZIP from the marketplace different compared to the GitHub repository?

Version from http://plugins.piwik.org/api/1.0/plugins/Counter/download/2.0.6 and https://github.com/Globulopolis/Counter/archive/2.0.6.zip is different.
Look at the issue asstes/js/minicolors.min.js · Issue #3 · Globulopolis/Counter · GitHub

Is it possible that you tagged the version 2.0.6 twice with the same tag name?

I can see two tags within about 30 minutes. If so, what happened is probably that we’ve packaged the plugin on the first tag but the second one was ignored as this version was already tagged. In this case you might have even gotten an email reporting a problem? Can you maybe check your spam folder?

I just had a look on the server and noticed we sent indeed an email having the subject “There was an issue while publishing your Piwik plugin” and a message that contains an explanation of what happened. Can you maybe check your mails / spam folder and confirm you got the email? It was on 31th of August 2014

Yep! I saw the message about an error while tagging twice. But when I remove tag from github, the current version still available on the marketplace. On second try I got an error message which you describe above.

Alright. Maybe you can tag it again as 2.0.7 (needs update in plugin.json)? Then it’ll work. We will support removing versions at some point in the future