After upgrading I realized even though we have set the config.ini.php file to have the session data stored in the DB server it looks as though it is still being saved into the /piwik/tmp/sessions directory?
How can we know for sure…seems obvious since files shouldn’t show up in the /piwik/tmp/sessions folder if it was.
Yes all config files have been set. So far there are only three session files in there since I wiped the install to test…Is there a table I can check in phpmyadmin to see if it is growing? Even so, no files should exist in the /piwik/tmp/sessions directory…sorta strange to me
I checked out the tables today and there are files being stored there so I guess have you noticed additional session files in your /tmp directory? Sorta strange that I would still have them in both places…or am I missing something?
Looks like the data is beginning to be stored in the DB…interestingly the servers running 1.5.1 are not still. Seemed to take awhile…have about 6 entries but they stopped after the 19/OCT on the machine running 1.6…maybe this was an issue in 1.5.1 or it took a fresh install not sure.