Datas only at the database, not at dashboard

installed yesterday piwik newest version and also the newest changes of plugin/controller.php. but: i see datas at the database but not at frontend of piwik dashboard. no visitors a day, a week or a month - really nothing. but the database grows up…

the day/time/date-zones are correct, no errors are registered, all seems to run without problems… but no datas seen.

please give me an advice…

my phpinfo:

Fedora/CentOS seems to expose more bugs in PHP than other platforms (possibly due to the checks in the system libraries for things like memory munging).

Can you install a newer version of PHP or move Piwik to a different box?

[quote=vipsoft @ Jul 30 2009, 01:20 PM]Fedora/CentOS seems to expose more bugs in PHP than other platforms (possibly due to the checks in the system libraries for things like memory munging).

Can you install a newer version of PHP or move Piwik to a different box?[/quote]

Thank you for your reply. I installed it meanwhile in several different boxes but always the same effect. Now i installes an older version of phpmyvisits - it runs without any problem.

Yes, perhaps i have to try installing a newer version of php. hope it will works. But do you think that would be the reason?

now php 5.2.9 - but no changes…

nothing happens at the dashboard - no data found…

what can i do?
please help…

When in doubt, sometimes the best thing to do with codes is to simply start over.

Try removing the current installation of Piwik and re-unzip all of the files associated with it straight from the download to a fresh folder for uploading. Then create an entirely new user and database through PHP My Admin (make sure you give the user permissions to use the database) that will be used exclusively for Piwik.

Then upload the fresh copy of Piwik, reinstall using the new database you just created, and give it a shot.

Option 2 is to directly modify the config file and see if you can verify the databases that way, but I’ve found fresh copies help keep things going smooth when stuff goes wrong.

I’m suffering from the same issue. I’m a new user so it’s a completely fresh install and I’m seeing data appearing in the database but not via the web interface.

After digging into the issue I found that Apache was complaining about the data requests with a “(20025)The given path contained wildcard characters” message in the error log. For example, the graphs are requesting the following for data:


Which is denied. If I decode this so the question marks, slashes and other characters are present, it works. After playing around with the string it appears to be the %3F that the server doesn’t like, replacing this with a question mark causes the request to be served correctly.

Any ideas on where to fix this in the code? Thanks

What PHP and Apache versions are you using?