CustomDimesions compule error

After upgrading from latest 1.* to 4.1.1 I get the error: “Cannot declare class Piwik\Plugins\CustomDimensions\CustomDimensions, because the name is already in use”

I cannot access the admin screens of matomo (have to disable the plugin). Is there a way to disable this plugin manually (removing the customdimensions subdir, or hacking the database)? Currently I cannot access my dev environment.

WordPress versie 5.5.3
Huidig thema: Flatsome Child (versie 3.9.0)
Huidige plugin: Matomo Analytics - Ethical Stats. Powerful Insights. (versie 4.1.1)
PHP versie 7.3.15

Will update to 5.6 soon but waiting for compatibility of one additional plugin.

Cheers, Henk

Hi there, you might need to remove the plugin wp-content/plugins/CustomDimensions manually from WordPress. Or if you have any way to disable this plugin through the WP admin screen. That’s because Custom Dimensions is now integrated into Matomo plugin directly.

Thanx, this solved it. I just removed the directory.

Sorry for the very late reply, I had made the mental note I already had done it. Not.