Custom Reports of visitors citys

Hey guys

Hope everyone is ok and make it through the current situation affecting the whole world

Someone who has a bid for this challenge?

A user would like to either via Custom Reports or other functions - have a report with which cities our visitors come from.

In the overview showing the geographical map, I can get a nice detailed overview. I would like that list of cities in a PDF report. But if I choose geography in Custom Reports and then cities, I only get a numerical count of numbers, but without the names of the cities.

Either I’m doing something wrong - error 40 - or it can’t be done.

I know booklets 2 scripts to create some clarity for what I’m asking for :slight_smile:

Stay safe, stay at home

Hi @aspflopper,

Follow the steps below:

  1. Create a Custom Report
  2. Choose “Report type” as Table
  3. Choose “City” from Dimensions
  4. Choose the appropriate metric

If you still have any issue/question, please contact our support team at

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Thank you - that did the trick for Cities… regions however has a number instead of a name?

How do I translate these numbers into som thing meaningfull?

@karthik Can I ask you here, or would you preferer the email support?

Hi @aspflopper,

This feature is not working great, so we have planned to remove this feature. Unfortunately, in the future update this feature will be removed.,