When running manually the command for test I receive this;
cosmic@trace:~$ sudo /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/matomo/console core:archive --url="https://trace.uhlhosting.ch/"
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:26] 24495 ---------------------------
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:26] 24495 INIT
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:26] 24495 Running Matomo 3.10.0-b3 as Super User
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:26] 24495 ---------------------------
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:26] 24495 NOTES
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:26] 24495 - If you execute this script at least once per hour (or more often) in a crontab, you may disable 'Browser trigger archiving' in Matomo UI > Settings > General Settings.
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:26] 24495 See the doc at: https://matomo.org/docs/setup-auto-archiving/
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:26] 24495 - Reports for today will be processed at most every 900 seconds. You can change this value in Matomo UI > Settings > General Settings.
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:26] 24495 - Reports for the current week/month/year will be requested at most every 3600 seconds.
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:26] 24495 - Archiving was last executed without error 12 min 12s ago
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:26] 24495 ---------------------------
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:26] 24495 START
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:26] 24495 Starting Matomo reports archiving...
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 - no new tracking data for website id 1 since 2019-06-06 13:05:14 UTC (since the last successful archiving)
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 Skipped website id 1 as archiving is not needed
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 - tracking data found for website id 2 since 2019-06-06 13:05:14 UTC (since the last successful archiving)
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 Skipped website id 2, already done 12 min 24s ago, Time elapsed: 0.003s
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 - no new tracking data for website id 3 since 2019-06-06 13:05:14 UTC (since the last successful archiving)
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 Skipped website id 3 as archiving is not needed
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 - no new tracking data for website id 4 since 2019-06-06 13:05:14 UTC (since the last successful archiving)
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 Skipped website id 4 as archiving is not needed
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 Done archiving!
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 ---------------------------
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 SUMMARY
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 Total visits for today across archived websites: 0
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 Archived today's reports for 0 websites
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 Archived week/month/year for 0 websites
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 Skipped 4 websites
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 - 3 skipped because no new visit since the last script execution
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 - 1 skipped because existing daily reports are less than 900 seconds old
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 - 0 skipped because existing week/month/year periods reports are less than 3600 seconds old
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 Total API requests: 0
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 done: 0/4 0%, 0 vtoday, 0 wtoday, 0 wperiods, 0 req, 343 ms, no error
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 Time elapsed: 0.343s
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 ---------------------------
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 SCHEDULED TASKS
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 Starting Scheduled tasks...
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 done
INFO [2019-06-06 13:17:27] 24495 ---------------------------
Now when I run these commands:
cosmic@trace:/etc/cron.d$ sudo crontab -u www-data -e
5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/matomo/console core:archive --url="https://trace.uhlhosting.ch/" > /var/log/matomo/matomo-archive.log
cosmic@trace:/etc/cron.d$ grep 'CRON'.*\(www-data\) /var/log/syslog
Jun 6 07:05:01 trace CRON[15986]: (www-data) CMD (/usr/bin/php /var/www/html/matomo/console core:archive --url="https://trace.uhlhosting.ch/" > /dev/null)
Jun 6 08:05:01 trace CRON[16944]: (www-data) CMD (/usr/bin/php /var/www/html/matomo/console core:archive --url="https://trace.uhlhosting.ch/" > /dev/null)
Jun 6 09:05:01 trace CRON[18058]: (www-data) CMD (/usr/bin/php /var/www/html/matomo/console core:archive --url="https://trace.uhlhosting.ch/" > /dev/null)
Jun 6 10:05:01 trace CRON[19394]: (www-data) CMD (/usr/bin/php /var/www/html/matomo/console core:archive --url="https://trace.uhlhosting.ch/" > /dev/null)
Jun 6 11:05:01 trace CRON[20203]: (www-data) CMD (/usr/bin/php /var/www/html/matomo/console core:archive --url="https://trace.uhlhosting.ch/" > /dev/null)
Jun 6 12:05:01 trace CRON[21404]: (www-data) CMD (/usr/bin/php /var/www/html/matomo/console core:archive --url="https://trace.uhlhosting.ch/" > /dev/null)
Jun 6 13:05:01 trace CRON[22816]: (www-data) CMD (/usr/bin/php /var/www/html/matomo/console core:archive --url="https://trace.uhlhosting.ch/" > /dev/null)
I have added logging to latest crontab edit, since was hopping to find more details why is reported in admin UI like: