Count(idvisitor) always equals count(idvisit)?

I’m trying to extract some stats about my website straight from the database.
Strangely, I found that the total of unique visitors is the same than the total of visits (each visitor seems to visit the website one and only one time).

In other words:

mysql> select count(idvisitor) from piwik_log_visit where idsite=3 ;


mysql> select count(idvisit) from piwik_log_visit where idsite=3 ;

…return the same result.

Am I doing something wrong?..

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

NB. I don’t know if that matters, but my settings in regard with cookies are:
use_third_party_id_cookie = 1
trust_visitors_cookies = 1

I investigated a little further, and found I have assumed, for the table piwik_log_visit, something like that:

mysql> select idvisitor, visitor_count_visits from piwik_log_visit where idsite = 3 limit 10 ;

| idvisitor | visitor_count_visits |
| A | 1 |
| A | 2 |
| A | 3 |
| B | 1 |
| C | 1 |

instead of:

| idvisitor | visitor_count_visits |
| A | 3 |
| B | 1 |
| C | 1 |

Does some aggregation happen, here? I was not able to find documentation about the schema…

Thank you: