Conversion tracking : strange behavior between two ways of payment

Hello everybody,

I am tracking ecommerce conversion on my site with matomo. There is two different method of payment : paypal and credit card payment through a French Bank. I receive notification of payment through two different ways that subsequently use a same php module to register the order. Such module uses class “MatomoTracker.php” to send a POST notification to the self-hosted matomo server so that the order is well recorded. Surprisingly, despite the process is common, transaction with credit card payment are well recorded but not paypal payment. Even more surprisingly, when i have a look at the logs i do not see major difference in the POST. see below;

POST /matomo/matomo.php?idsite=1&rec=1&apiv=1&r=094XXX&cip=173.0.XXX.XXX&uid=17371&_idts=1675526XXX&_id=aeff5eb30ec9faf3&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmasked_link%2FXXX.php&urlref=&idgoal=0&revenue=XXX&ec_st=XXX&ec_tx=XXXec_sh=2.5&ec_items=XXX&ec_id=13832 HTTP/1.1" 200 43 “-” “PayPal IPN ( )”

POST /matomo/matomo.php?idsite=1&rec=1&apiv=1&r=349XXX&cip=145.226.XX.XXX&uid=17368&_idts=1675510XXX&_id=5486ce89d7XXXX&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmasked_link%2FXXX.php&urlref=&idgoal=0&revenue=XXX&ec_st=XXX&ec_tx=XXX&ec_sh=XXX&ec_items=XXXX&ec_id=13830 HTTP/1.1" 200 43 “-” “Monetico HttpClient”

Of course, i removed name and figures with XXX for confidentiality and security reasons
You can see that both times http code is 200, which seems to be ok.
I therefore do not understand why it does not work for paypal : transaction is not recorded and the cart is considered as abandonned.

any idea would be welcome.

Many thanks in advance

Hi @eesneu

Do you mean Paypal is not recorded at all, or is it not well recorded (for example some meta data are missing?)
Is there any IP filter on your Matomo server? (used to exclude some trackings)