Conversion rates are integers since 0.7


After the update to Piwik 0.7, all conversion rates of goals are rounded to integers. Is this a bug or a feature? If it is a feature, where can I change the behaviour so that it displays decimal places again?

Thanks you for work and for your help!


There is a small bug introduced in 0.7 with conversion rates. It will be fixed in next release.

0.8 does not fix it style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif Any ideas?


conversion rates don’t appear to be int - which ones are int in the demo?

[quote=matthieu @ Jul 31 2010, 08:21 PM]On…ay&idGoal=1

conversion rates don’t appear to be int - which ones are int in the demo?[/quote]

Thank you for your help. I attached a screenshot: All conversion rates (regardless of the goal I choose) are int in the diagram, just the conversion rate of the current day (displayed outside the diagram as a text) is not int. It does not happen in the demo.

I am not sure if the attachment worked, so I uploaded the screenshot to our server:

Any ideas anyone?

your screenshot doesn’t show values so hard to say anything
do you see the bug on the demo?

[quote=matthieu @ Aug 5 2010, 09:58 PM]your screenshot doesn’t show values so hard to say anything
do you see the bug on the demo?[/quote]

The values on the screenshot are just 0, 1 and 2. I attached another screenshot. Before the updates the same date range showed rates that were not rounded to integers. In the demo, I can’t reproduce this.

OK, I helped myself and spent some hours studying the code. I finally found out that the reason for this problem is that the character for the separation of decimal places is “,” in German, but “.” in English. Changing line 141 in the file /core/Visualization/Chart.php from

						$is_decimal_separator_comma = false, 


						$is_decimal_separator_comma = true, 

repaired the view. I will try to find out how to file a bug report for this, although I can not reproduce it in the demo somehow.

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