Content tracking: Why isn't Matomo finding my content pieces within the content block?

Consider the following HTML markup:

<ul data-track-content data-content-name="Global Navigation">
      <a href="/" data-content-piece="Start">
               <span>About Us</span>
            <a href="aboutus.html" data-content-piece="About Us">
                  <a href="team1.html" data-content-piece="Team 1">
                     <span>Team 1</span>
                  <a href="team2.html" data-content-piece="Team 2">
                     <span>Team 2</span>
                        <a href="team2-people.html" data-content-piece="People">
                        <a href="team2-tasks.html" data-content-piece="Tasks">

I can only see Global Navigation - Start in Matomos Behavior > Content area. I can never see any of the other content pieces like About Us or Team 1, but they are all contained within the content block.
When I do manual tracking in the browser console it shows up in Matomo:

_paq.push(['trackContentImpression', 'Global Navigation', 'Team 1', 'team1.html']);
_paq.push(['trackContentInteraction', 'click', 'Global Navigation', 'Team 1', 'team1.html']);

The navigation is not added dynamically. Am I doing something wrong? Is the hierarchy depth too deep for Matomo to find the content pieces?

Hi @dennis did you find any solutions? I’m having the exact same issue, where the only piece detected is the first one.

Thanks in advance!

Hello @dennis,

I would also ask if you found a solution for this.

I currently also try to implement content tracking.

And I think its not possible to add different data-content-piece-elements in one data-track-content-block. Found info about this at Best practise for tracking multiple content pieces within on content block.

Is content tracking working on your site after all this time?

Best regards,
