Connexion Piwik. Pb API Call

voici le message d’erreur que je reçois quand je souhaite utiliser Piwik pour consulter les stats de mes blogs,[/url] et [],

I’ve noticed this problem when i try to connect to Piwik. Someone for helping me ?


Declaration of Piwik_Log_APICall::log() should be compatible with that of Piwik_Log::log()
in ‘/homez.32/mikaelca/www/piwik/modules/Log/APICall.php’ at the line 52

#0 Piwik_ErrorHandler(2048, Declaration of Piwik_Log_APICall::log() should be compatible with that of Piwik_Log::log(), /homez.32/mikaelca/www/piwik/modules/Log/APICall.php, 52, Array ()) called at [/homez.32/mikaelca/www/piwik/modules/Piwik.php:865]
#1 Piwik::createLogObject() called at [/homez.32/mikaelca/www/piwik/modules/Piwik.php:865]
#2 Piwik::createLogObject() called at [/homez.32/mikaelca/www/piwik/modules/FrontController.php:320]
#3 Piwik_FrontController->init() called at [/homez.32/mikaelca/www/piwik/index.php:51]

Je ne comprends pas d’autant que tout fonctionnait bien auparavant.