Changing the email address / name reports are being sent from


I was wondering whether there is a way to change the e-mail address (or the username transmitted together with the email address) when Matomo sends reports by email. The issue is: Reports sent with the admin email address also expose the admin’s Matomo username, hence the login name for the admin account. I consider this as a security risk, though not a huge one, but an avoidable one.

Thanks and kind regards

In the config file:

noreply_email_address = “
login_password_recovery_email_address = “
login_password_recovery_replyto_email_address = “

unfortunately it only changes the “from:” field, but not the “reply-to:” field in the report emails sent, so this still exposes the admin login name, like:

reply-to: admin-username <>

my settings in the config file are like this:

noreply_email_address = ""
noreply_email_name = "Matomo"
login_password_recovery_email_address = ""
login_password_recovery_email_name = "noreply"
login_password_recovery_replyto_email_address = ""
login_password_recovery_replyto_email_name = "noreply"

In my case, the reply-to is the creator of the report (then not necessarily the matomo admin)…
BUT, as the sender is ‘no-reply’, it should not use anybody for replying-to…
I think you can create an issue to the GitHub repo:

okay, thanks. issue created at GitHub: