Can't annotate visitors graph in dashboard

In the dashboard seeing the visitors graph , there’s the annotate option. But when I click that, nothing happens. Not nothing at all, but the controls scroll down a row, something is trying to load (the animation is briefly ~1sec showing) but never finishes. Then I can not create an annotation.

Am I the only one or is this a known bug?

I made sure, adblockers and other plugins where disabled for the piwik URL.

Hi there,

can you try upgrade to our latest beta and try again? I would like to test early beta and RC releases, how do I enable automatic updates to use these development versions? - Analytics Platform - Matomo

if you still have an issue please create a report on our tracker @ Issues · matomo-org/piwik · GitHub

Updated to 2.16.0b6. Issue persisting. I present you can't annotate visitors graph · Issue #9638 · matomo-org/piwik · GitHub

Issue was solved by readding the widget. We don’t really know what the actual issue was.