Can Piwik do this?

hey Guys,

I’ve been nosing around piwik for a few days - I think it can do this, but im not sure if im really overstretching some of it’s concepts!

I want to track users sharing the content on my website.

I want to know where they shared, and attribute it to there username.

If someone clicks on a link they have shared (this will be unique to them, can be generated external to piwik), I want to be able to attribute the clicks (referral??) to the user that shared originally, and attribute it to a goal.

This is all sort of doable - but for example, how would i get a report of specific users who have triggered a goal, if the goal was “User generated a click”, and would it be possible to see who the clicker was (doesn’t matter at this point if the clicker is known or not)?

How would you approach this?

Maybe you could handle that using custom variables and custom events.

Hey Steve - thats exactly what I’ve been playing with!

I think what im struggling with is which concepts within piwik are best suited to each task.

Eg, user share a page to facebook. Lets say that this could also be a goal.


  1. Set up a goal for this
  2. Track the event, and manually trigger the goal
  3. This is where my brain boggles a little - I need to attribute an ID to the event, which would get tacked on to the end of the url they share, so that when someone clicks on the link, I can attribute it back to the sharer.

I don’t care where this id comes from - but i need to to makes sense for piwik to be able to relate the reports. Would you advise returning the event id, from piwik, or generating my own and storing it as a custom variable against the event?

I need to attribute an ID to the event, which would get tacked on to the end of the url they share, so that when someone clicks on the link, I can attribute it back to the sharer.

Use custom variable to store the user ID that triggered the goal.
Then in the Goal report you can see the list of custom variable Id that were set for this goal.

This should give you the amount of times each user ID lead to a goal conversion?