Attempt to Install ClickPath Plugin receiving Mysqli prepare error: Table MYSQL error: '<servername>.clickpath_group_site' doesn't exist

My company just purchased the ClickPath plugin and are now receiving error messages when attempting to first use the ClickPath plugin.

Steps taken:

  1. logged into site and clicked on Administration > Marketplace > Upload a plugin
  2. browse to provided from Piwik and choose “Activate”
  3. click on link on left navigation under Settings called “ClickPath Settings” and receive the following error:

Mysqli prepare error: Table ‘piwik_test.piwik_test_clickpath_group_site’ doesn’t exist

Can you please provide some details on how to attempt to resolve this error on initial setup. Attached are two screenshots showing the links and error message.

Piwik version: 2.11.2
ClickPath version: 2.1.0

Thanks, Zach