ArrayObject not found - help

Folks I thought I’d give Piwik a try and upon first trying to get to the installation screen after uploading the piwik folder I run into a road block. I get a fatal error below and don’t know what to do. I meet all of the Piwik requirements - I have PHP 5.2.1.

Fatal error: Class ‘ArrayObject’ not found in /home/u4/hangsuite7739/html/piwik/libs/Zend/Registry.php on line 30

Please advise.

Solved it myself folks. For those of you who run into this problem and aren’t php knowledged here’s what I did:

The spl extension will not work properly if the simplexml extension is not loaded too.

Hope this helps.

You helped me, thanks!
That wasn’t my exact problem, but I found that my php needed spl.
Should be declared on the requirements page, I think.