I have a single Piwik installation used across 23 sites (some inactive) generating a reasonable amount of traffic (10-2000 uniques / site / day). Stats are not accessed daily for all sites so I have the archive script run nightly at 2AM. I clear old archived actions monthly using the query in the FAQ. This was already done for November before this update.
Everything was working great on 0.4.5. After updating to 0.5.1 the archive script runs for hours and hours. I managed to get it to archive all daily stats yesterday but that took at least an hour to run. Last night’s cron was still running at 11AM when I checked it (9 hours). This is on a quad core Xeon server. Here are the number of rows in the main tables:
piwik_log_action: 6267
piwik_log_link_visit_action: 111901
piwik_log_visit: 45021
This wouldn’t be a big deal if it didn’t LOCK TABLES and require extensive use of temp tables. It completely locks out any use of Piwik resulting in issues for anyone accessing a site that uses Piwik or anyone trying to view stats. It also puts a high load on the server slowing general operation.
Here’s a sample of some of the slow queries from my logs:
# Time: 091212 11:03:02
# User@Host: piwik[piwik] @ []
# Query_time: 60 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 6 Rows_examined: 44481023
SELECT name,
count(distinct t1.idvisit) as nb_visits,
count(distinct visitor_idcookie) as nb_uniq_visitors,
count(*) as nb_hits
FROM (piwik_log_visit as t1
LEFT JOIN piwik_log_link_visit_action as t2 USING (idvisit))
LEFT JOIN piwik_log_action as t3 ON (t2.idaction_url = t3.idaction)
WHERE visit_server_date = '2009-12-12'
AND idsite = '7'
GROUP BY t3.idaction
ORDER BY nb_hits DESC;
# Time: 091212 11:08:39
# User@Host: piwik[piwik] @ []
# Query_time: 36 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 3 Rows_examined: 26729656
SELECT name,
count(distinct t1.idvisit) as nb_visits,
count(distinct visitor_idcookie) as nb_uniq_visitors,
count(*) as nb_hits
FROM (piwik_log_visit as t1
LEFT JOIN piwik_log_link_visit_action as t2 USING (idvisit))
LEFT JOIN piwik_log_action as t3 ON (t2.idaction_name = t3.idaction)
WHERE visit_server_date = '2009-12-12'
AND idsite = '39'
GROUP BY t3.idaction
ORDER BY nb_hits DESC;
44 million rows & 26 million rows examined.
If there’s anything I can do or provide to help solve this let me know.