Hallo zusammen
ich habe nach jahren auch einmal ein Problem welches ich nicht lösen kann.
Ich habe einen Cronjob erstellt welcher eine .sh ausführt. der String darin lauted:
/usr/bin/php /is/htdocs/wp12866375_JTG00X4ZSV/www/stats.tobiasdarin.ch/console core:archive --url=http://stats.tobiasdarin.ch/ > /dev/null
Dabei erhalte ich folgenden Fehler
ERROR [2019-11-18 13:00:55] 1052 Got invalid response from API request: ?module=API&method=API.get&idSite=3&period=week&date=last260&format=php&trigger=archivephp. The response was empty. This usually means a server error. A solution to this error is generally to increase the value of 'memory_limit' in your php.ini file. For more information and the error message please check your web server's error Log file. As this core:archive command triggers PHP processes over HTTP, you can find the error message in your Matomo's web server error logs.
ERROR [2019-11-18 13:02:47] 1052 Got invalid response from API request: ?module=API&method=API.get&idSite=10&period=week&date=last260&format=php&trigger=archivephp. The response was empty. This usually means a server error. A solution to this error is generally to increase the value of 'memory_limit' in your php.ini file. For more information and the error message please check your web server's error Log file. As this core:archive command triggers PHP processes over HTTP, you can find the error message in your Matomo's web server error logs.
ERROR [2019-11-18 13:04:01] 1052 2 total errors during this script execution, please investigate and try and fix these errors.
2 total errors during this script execution, please investigate and try and fix these errors.
core:archive [--url="..."] [--force-all-websites] [--force-all-periods[="..."]] [--force-timeout-for-periods[="..."]] [--skip-idsites[="..."]] [--skip-all-segments] [--force-idsites[="..."]] [--skip-segments-today] [--force-periods[="..."]] [--force-date-last-n="..."] [--force-date-range[="..."]] [--force-idsegments="..."] [--concurrent-requests-per-website[="..."]] [--concurrent-archivers[="..."]] [--disable-scheduled-tasks] [--accept-invalid-ssl-certificate] [--php-cli-options[="..."]]
Kann mir einer sagen was ich machen müsste?